Kamis, 10 September 2009

3級の漢字(kanji level 3)bag 4

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DOU / ugo(ku) / ugo(kasu)


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
ugoku (hiragana) ugoku - to move (intransitive)
doubutsu doubutsu - animal
jidou jidou - automatic
undou undou - (physical) exercise
Not to be confused with:
heavy JUU / CHOU / omo(i) - heavy

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JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 4
As seen in:
shokudou shokudou - dining room
hondou hondou - main hall (of a temple)
Not to be confused with:
manage, barracks EI / itona(mu) - manage, barracks
party TOU - party

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JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 4
As seen in:
tokubetsu tokubetsu - special
tokkyuu tokkyuu - super express train
tokushoku tokushoku - feature, distinction
Not to be confused with:
time JI / toki - time
wait TAI / ma - wait
hold JI / mo - hold

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JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
niku niku - meat, flesh
gyuuniku gyuuniku - beef
nikushoku nikushoku - a meat diet
Not to be confused with:
inside NAI / uchi - inside

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BAI / u(ru) / u(reru)


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
uru (hiragana) uru - to sell
ure (hiragana)ru (hiragana) ureru - to be sold
hatsubai hatsubai - sale, release, issue
baibai baibai - trade
baiten baiten - stall, stand
yasuuri (hiragana) yasuuri - bargain sale
Not to be confused with:
member TOKU / yo(mu) - read

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BAI / ka(u)


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
kau (hiragana) kau - to buy
kai (hiragana)mono kaimono - shopping
baibai baibai - trade
Not to be confused with:
member IN - member
shellfish kai - shellfish

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start, emit

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
shuppatsu shuppatsu - departure
hatsuden hatsuden - telegram
hatsumei hatsumei - invention
hatsuon hatsuon - pronunciation

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HAN / meshi

cooked rice, meal

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 4
As seen in:
meshi meshi - cooked rice
sekihan sekihan - red bean rice
Not to be confused with:
drink IN / no(mu) - drink

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BYOU / ya(mu) / yamai


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
yamai yamai - illness
byouki byouki - illness
yamu (hiragana) yamu - to fall ill
byouin byouin - hospital
byounin byounin - patient

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HIN / shina

article, quality

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
shinamono shinamono - article, goods
shokuhin shokuhin - foodstuff
shokuryouhin shokuryouhin - groceries
kihin kihin - dignity, grace
jouhin jouhin - refined
gehin gehin - crude
tejina tejina - juggling, sleight of hand

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not, un-

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 4
As seen in:
fuan fuan - anxiety
fusoku fusoku - shortage
bukimi bukimi - uncanny, weird
Not to be confused with:
under KA / kuda(ru) / shita - down, under, lower

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FUU / FU / kaze

wind, manner

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
kaze kaze - wind
taifuu taifuu - typhoon
o (hiragana)furo ofuro - bath
wafuu wafuu - Japanese style
kofuu kofuu - old-fashioned

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clothes, submit

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
fuku fuku - clothes
youfuku youfuku - Western clothing
fukuyousu (hiragana)ru (hiragana) fukuyou suru - to take (medicine)

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BUTSU / MOTSU / mono

thing, figure

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
mono mono - thing, person
doubutsu doubutsu - animal
kimono kimono - a kimono
tabe (hiragana)mono tabemono - food
kai (hiragana)mono kaimono - shopping
shinamono shinamono - goods
butsuri butsuri - physics
bukka bukka - prices
Not to be confused with:
place JOU / ba - place

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BUN / MON / fumi

letter, writings

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 1
As seen in:
bun bun - writing
bunsho bunsho - document, letter
bunka bunka - culture
moji moji - letter, character
chuumon chuumon - an order (for goods)
tenmon tenmon - astronomy
Not to be confused with:
father FU / chichi - father

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BETSU / waka(reru)

separate, another

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 4
As seen in:
wakare (hiragana)ru (hiragana) wakareru - to part (intrans.)
tokubetsu tokubetsu - special
betsubetsu ('repeater' kanji)ni (hiragana) betsubetsu ni - separately
betsujin betsujin - another person

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JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
benkyou benkyou - study

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HO / BU / aru(ku) / ayu(mu)


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
aruku (hiragana) aruku - to walk
hokou hokou - a walk
hodou hodou - pavement, sidewalk
Not to be confused with:
little SHOU / suku(nai) / suko(shi) - little

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HOU / kata

direction, way

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
kata kata - way, manner
no (hiragana)houga (hiragana) no hou ga - is more... (as used in comparatives)
migino (hiragana)hou migi no hou - right hand side
yuugata yuugata - evening, dusk
hougen hougen - dialect
Not to be confused with:
ten thousand MAN / BAN - ten thousand
power RYOKU / chikara - power

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MAI / imouto

younger sister

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
imoutosa (hiragana)n (hiragana) imouto-san - younger sister (someone else's)
shimai shimai - sisters
Not to be confused with:
elder sister SHI / ane - elder sister

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MI / aji / aji(wau)


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
aji aji - taste
ajiwa (hiragana)u (hiragana) ajiwau - to taste, savour
fuumi fuumi - flavour
imi imi - meaning
Not to be confused with:
younger sister MAI / imouto - younger sister

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MEI / MYOU / aka(rui) / a(kari) / aka(rumu) / aka(ramu) / aki(raka) / a (keru) / a(ku) / a(kuru) / a(kasu)

bright, clear

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
akaru (hiragana)i (hiragana) akarui - bright
ake (hiragana)ru (hiragana) akeru - to become light, begin (New Year)
myounichi myounichi / ashita - tomorrow
myouchou myouchou - tomorrow morning
bunmei bunmei - civilisation
nomi (hiragana)aka (hiragana)su (hiragana) nomiakasu - to drink the night away
Not to be confused with:
day JITSU / NICHI / hi - day, sun
month GATSU / GETSU / tsuki - month, moon

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MOKU / me

eye, item

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 1
As seen in:
me me - eye
chuumoku chuumoku - attention, notice
medatsu (hiragana) medatsu - to stand out
kamoku kamoku - school subject
Not to be confused with:
day JITSU / NICHI / ka / hi - day, sun
self JI - self
shellfish kai - shellfish

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MON / to(u) / to(i)


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
tou (hiragana) tou - to ask, to question
shitsumon shitsumon - a question
mondai mondai - problem, question
mondou mondou - questions and answers
Not to be confused with:
interval KAN / aida - interval, between
hear BUN / ki(ku) - hear

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YA / yo / yoru


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
yo OR yoru yo OR yoru - evening, night
yakan yakan - by night
yonaka yonaka - midnight
nichiya nichiya - night and day
Not to be confused with:
outside GAI / soto - outside
die SHI / shi(nu) - die

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YA / no


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
no no - field, plain
yagai yagai - the open air
yashin yashin - ambition
nomichi nomichi - footpath
yakyuu yakyuu - baseball
Not to be confused with:
reason RI - reason

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YUU / U / a(ru)


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
aru (hiragana) aru - to exist, to have
yuumei yuumei - famous
yuuryoku yuuryoku - strong, influential
Not to be confused with:
wear, arrive CHAKU / ki(ru) / tsu(ku) - wear, arrive
blue SEI / ao / ao(i) - blue
person SHA / mono - person

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JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
nichiyoubi nichiyoubi - Sunday
getsuyoubi getsuyoubi - Monday
kayoubi kayoubi - Tuesday

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YOU / mochi(iru)

use, errand

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
you you - business, task
mochii (hiragana)ru (hiragana) mochiiru - to make use of
riyousu (hiragana)ru (hiragana) riyou suru - to make use of
youi youi - preparations, arrangements
yougu yougu - tool
kyuuyou kyuuyou - urgent business
Not to be confused with:
angle, horn KAKU / kado / tsuno - angle, horn

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ocean, Western

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
you you - ocean
youfuku youfuku - Western style clothing
youshitsu youshitsu - Western style room
seiyou seiyou - the West
Not to be confused with:
work GYOU / GOU / waza - work, industry

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reason, manage

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 2
As seen in:
ryouri ryouri - cooking, cuisine
chiri chiri - geography
butsuri butsuri - physics
muri muri - impossible
Not to be confused with:
field YA / no - field

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RITSU / ta(tsu) / ta(teru)

stand, establish

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 1
As seen in:
tatsu (hiragana) tatsu - to stand, rise
tate (hiragana)ru (hiragana) tateru - to stand something up, to erect
jiritsu jiritsu - independence
Not to be confused with:
cry KYUU / na(ku) - cry

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fee, materials

JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 4
As seen in:
shokuryou shokuryou - foodstuff
ryouri ryouri - cooking, cuisine
ryoukin ryoukin - charge, fee
muryou muryou - no charge, free
kyuuryou kyuuryou - salary, wages
Not to be confused with:
subject of study KA - subject of study
plan KEI / haka(ru) - plan, calculate

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RYO / tabi


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 3
As seen in:
tabi tabi - a journey
ryokou ryokou - travel
ryokan ryokan - Japanese inn
Not to be confused with:
family ZOKU - family

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RYOKU / RIKI / chikara


JLPT Level 3
Jouyou Kanji, Kyouiku Grade 1
As seen in:
chikara chikara - power, strength
denryoku denryoku - electric power
kiryoku kiryoku - energy, vitality
juuryoku juuryoku - gravity
Not to be confused with:
ten thousand MAN / BAN - ten thousand
direction HOU / kata - direction

UN / hako - carry, move

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